{ pkgs, ... }: { home = { packages = with pkgs; [ mangohud ]; file = { # These options exist in Nixlang, but the order is not respected. # As of 24.11, exec is no longer respected either. No clue why. ".config/MangoHud/MangoHud.conf".text = '' table_columns=2 frametime=0 legacy_layout=0 font_scale=0.80 background_alpha=0.25 exec=echo $(echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP | sed 's/./\U&/') on $(cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME | cut -d '"' -f 2) fps fps_color_change ram vram cpu_stats cpu_load_change gpu_stats gpu_load_change frame_timing ''; }; }; }