{ config, pkgs, options, ... }: let # Terminal authenticator auth = ''doas''; # Neofetch main config neoConf = '' { "$schema": "https://github.com/fastfetch-cli/fastfetch/raw/dev/doc/json_schema.json", "logo": { "source": "xenia", "color": { "1": "1;97", "2": "red", "3": "yellow" } }, "display": { "separator": " \u001b[33m ", "color": "red" }, "modules": [ { "type": "custom", "format": "\u001b[1m—————————————————————————————————————" }, { "type": "host", "format": "{5} {2}", "key": "󰌢 " }, { "type": "cpu", "key": " " }, { "type": "gpu", "key": "󰢮 " }, { "type": "disk", "folders": "/", "key": " " }, { "type": "memory", "format": "{/1}{-}{/}{/2}{-}{/}{} / {}", "key": " " }, { "type": "display", "compactType": "original", "key": "󰍹 " }, { "type": "custom", "format": "\u001b[1m—————————————————————————————————————" }, { "type": "os", "format": "{3} {12}", "key": "󰍛 " }, { "type": "kernel", "format": "{1} {2}", "key": " " }, { "type": "wm", "key": " " }, { "type": "shell", "key": " " }, { "type": "terminal", "key": " " }, { "type": "packages", "key": "󰆧 " }, { "type": "uptime", "key": "󰅐 " }, { "type": "command", "text": "date -d @$(stat -c %W /) '+%a %b %d %r %Z %Y'", "key": "󰶡 " }, { "type": "custom", "format": "\u001b[1m—————————————————————————————————————" }, { "type": "custom", "format": "\u001b[90m󰮯 \u001b[31m󰊠 \u001b[32m󰊠 \u001b[33m󰊠 \u001b[34m󰊠 \u001b[35m󰊠 \u001b[36m󰊠 \u001b[37m󰊠" } ] } ''; # Small Neofetch config pFetch = let smallConf = pkgs.writeText "smallconf.jsonc" '' { "$schema": "https://github.com/fastfetch-cli/fastfetch/raw/dev/doc/json_schema.json", "logo": { "source": "debian_small" }, "modules": [ { "type": "os", "format": "{3} {12}", "key": "󰍛 " }, { "type": "host", "format": "{5}", "key": "󰌢 " }, { "type": "kernel", "format": "{1} {2}", "key": " " }, { "type": "uptime", "key": "󰅐 " }, { "type": "packages", "key": "󰊠 " }, { "type": "memory", "format": "{/1}{-}{/}{/2}{-}{/}{} / {}", "key": " " } ] } ''; in pkgs.writeScriptBin "pfetch" ''fastfetch --config ${smallConf}''; # Rofi (terminal file browser) config rangerConf = '' set preview_script ~/.config/ranger/scope.sh set preview_images true set preview_images_method kitty set dirname_in_tabs true set cd_tab_fuzzy true set autosave_bookmarks false set show_hidden true set wrap_scroll true set column_ratios 2,2,4 set hidden_filter ^\.|\.(?:pyc|pyo|bak|swp)$|^lost\+found$|^__(py)?cache__$ default_linemode devicons ''; # Choose how ranger opens stuff rifleConf = '' # Define the "editor" for text files as first action mime ^text, label editor = nvim -- "$@" mime ^text, label pager = "$PAGER" -- "$@" !mime ^text, label editor, ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = nvim -- "$@" !mime ^text, label pager, ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = "$PAGER" -- "$@" # Websites ext x?html?, has librewolf, X, flag f = librewolf -- "$@" # Define the "editor" for text files as first action mime ^text, label editor = "$EDITOR" -- "$@" mime ^text, label pager = "$PAGER" -- "$@" !mime ^text, label editor, ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = "$EDITOR" -- "$@" !mime ^text, label pager, ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = "$PAGER" -- "$@" # Misc files ext 1 = man "$1" ext exe = wine "$1" ext msi = wine "$1" name ^[mM]akefile$ = make # Scripts ext py = python -- "$1" ext pl = perl -- "$1" ext rb = ruby -- "$1" ext js = node -- "$1" ext sh = sh -- "$1" ext php = php -- "$1" # Audio and video mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mpv = mpv --no-audio-display -- "$@" mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mpv = mpv --shuffle --no-audio-display -- "$@" mime ^video, has mpv, X, flag f = mpv -- "$@" mime ^video, terminal, !X, has mpv = mpv -- "$@" # Documents ext pdf, has zathura, X, flag f = zathura -- "$@" ext pdf, has xpdf, X, flag f = xpdf -- "$@" ext pdf, has okular, X, flag f = okular -- "$@" ext pptx?|od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has libreoffice, X, flag f = libreoffice "$@" # Images mime ^image, has imv, X, flag f = imv -- "$@" # Archives ext 7z, has 7z = 7z -p l "$@" | "$PAGER" ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz, has 7z = 7z x -- "$@" ext iso|jar|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has 7z = 7z x -- "$@" # Listing and extracting archives without atool: ext tar|gz|bz2|xz, has tar = tar vvtf "$1" | "$PAGER" ext tar|gz|bz2|xz, has tar = for file in "$@"; do tar vvxf "$file"; done # Fonts mime ^font, has fontforge, X, flag f = fontforge "$@" # Generic file openers label open, has xdg-open = xdg-open -- "$@" # Define the editor for non-text files + pager as last action !mime ^text, !ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = ask label editor, !mime ^text, !ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = "$EDITOR" -- "$@" label pager, !mime ^text, !ext xml|json|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php = "$PAGER" -- "$@" # Execute a file as program/script. mime application/x-executable = "$1" ''; # Ranger's preview rangerScope = '' #!/usr/bin/env bash set -o noclobber -o noglob -o nounset -o pipefail IFS=$'\n' # Script arguments FILE_PATH="$1" PV_WIDTH="$2" PV_HEIGHT="$3" IMAGE_CACHE_PATH="$4" PV_IMAGE_ENABLED="$5" FILE_EXTENSION=$(echo "$FILE_PATH" | rev | cut -d. -f1 | rev) FILE_EXTENSION_LOWER=$(echo "$FILE_EXTENSION" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # Settings HIGHLIGHT_TABWIDTH=8 HIGHLIGHT_STYLE='pablo' PYGMENTIZE_STYLE='autumn' handle_extension() { case "$FILE_EXTENSION_LOWER" in # Archive a|ace|alz|arc|arj|bz|bz2|cab|cpio|deb|gz|jar|lha|lz|lzh|lzma|lzo|\ rpm|rz|t7z|tar|tbz|tbz2|tgz|tlz|txz|tZ|tzo|war|xpi|xz|Z|zip) atool --list -- "$FILE_PATH" && exit 5 bsdtar --list --file "$FILE_PATH" && exit 5 exit 1;; rar) unrar lt -p- -- "$FILE_PATH" && exit 5 exit 1;; 7z) 7z l -p -- "$FILE_PATH" && exit 5 exit 1;; pdf) pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q -- "$FILE_PATH" - && exit 5 exiftool "$FILE_PATH" && exit 5 exit 1;; torrent) transmission-show -- "$FILE_PATH" && exit 5 exit 1;; # OpenDocument odt|ods|odp|sxw) odt2txt "$FILE_PATH" && exit 5 exit 1;; esac } handle_image() { local mimetype="$1" case "$mimetype" in # SVG image/svg+xml) convert "$FILE_PATH" "$IMAGE_CACHE_PATH" && exit 6 exit 1;; # Image image/*) local orientation orientation="$( identify -format '%[EXIF:Orientation]\n' -- "$FILE_PATH" )" if [[ -n "$orientation" && "$orientation" != 1 ]]; then convert -- "$FILE_PATH" -auto-orient "$IMAGE_CACHE_PATH" && exit 6 fi exit 7;; # Video video/*) # Thumbnail ffmpegthumbnailer -i "$FILE_PATH" -o "$IMAGE_CACHE_PATH" -s 0 && exit 6 exit 1;; # PDF application/pdf) pdftoppm -f 1 -l 1 \ -scale-to-x 1920 \ -scale-to-y -1 \ -singlefile \ -jpeg -tiffcompression jpeg \ -- "$FILE_PATH" "$(basename "$IMAGE_CACHE_PATH")" \ && exit 6 || exit 1;; esac } handle_mime() { local mimetype="$1" case "$mimetype" in # Text text/* | */xml) exit 2;; # Image image/*) exiftool "$FILE_PATH" && exit 5 exit 1;; # Video and audio video/* | audio/*) mediainfo "$FILE_PATH" && exit 5 exiftool "$FILE_PATH" && exit 5 exit 1;; esac } MIMETYPE="$( file --dereference --brief --mime-type -- "$FILE_PATH" )" if [[ "$PV_IMAGE_ENABLED" == 'True' ]]; then handle_image "$MIMETYPE" fi handle_extension handle_mime "$MIMETYPE" handle_fallback exit 1 ''; # Ranger's bookmarks rangerBookmarks = '' # Local files k:/home/jimbo/Downloads c:/home/jimbo/.config L:/home/jimbo/.local D:/mnt n:/etc/nixos # Remote files a:/home/jimbo/JimboNFS K:/home/jimbo/JimboNFS/Downloads p:/home/jimbo/JimboNFS/Photos V:/home/jimbo/JimboNFS/Videos/Random m:/home/jimbo/JimboNFS/Music L:/home/jimbo/JimboNFS/MineServers s:/home/jimbo/JimboNFS/School N:/home/jimbo/JimboNFS/JimboOS/NixOS ''; in { # Define home manager programs and configs home-manager = { useGlobalPkgs = true; useUserPackages = true; users.jimbo = { config, pkgs, ... }: { # Install user programs home.packages = (with pkgs; [ fastfetch pFetch htop ranger tcptrack ]); # Install Neovim and plugins programs.neovim = { enable = true; defaultEditor = true; vimAlias = true; plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ # Vim theme vim-airline vim-airline-themes # Internal clipboard vim-vsnip cmp-vsnip # Autocomplete manager lspkind-nvim # Autocomplete plugins cmp-nvim-lsp cmp-buffer cmp-path cmp-cmdline nvim-cmp # Hex color visualizer and color theme nvim-colorizer-lua vim-monokai-pro ]; extraConfig = '' lua <'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4), [''] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4), [''] = cmp.mapping.complete(), [''] = cmp.mapping.abort(), [''] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }), -- Accept currently selected item. Set `select` to `false` to only confirm explicitly selected items. }), sources = cmp.config.sources({ { name = 'nvim_lsp' }, { name = 'vsnip' } }, { { name = 'buffer' }, }) }) -- Use buffer source for `/` and `?`. cmp.setup.cmdline({ '/', '?' }, { mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.cmdline(), sources = { { name = 'buffer' } } }) -- Use cmdline & path source for ':'. cmp.setup.cmdline(':', { mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.cmdline(), sources = cmp.config.sources({ { name = 'path' } }, { { name = 'cmdline' } }) }) EOF colorscheme monokai_pro let g:airline_theme='onedark' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 highlight Normal guibg=none ctermbg=235 highlight Visual guibg=#151515 ctermbg=238 highlight Pmenu guibg=#151515 ctermbg=238 highlight EndOfBuffer guibg=none ctermbg=235 highlight LineNr guibg=none ctermbg=none lua require'colorizer'.setup() set nu rnu set termguicolors set runtimepath+=/usr/share/vim/vimfiles set mouse=a set undofile set undodir=$HOME/.local/share/nvim/undo set undolevels=100 set undoreload=10000 nmap :bnext nmap :bprev ''; }; # Enable tmux programs.tmux = { enable = true; extraConfig = '' set -g mouse on set -g base-index 1 set -g default-terminal "st-256color" set -g history-limit 4096 set -g set-titles on set -g set-titles-string "#T" set -g status on set -g status-left "" set -g status-position bottom set -g status-right "#[bg=brightblack]#[fg=dark_purple] #T " set -g status-style "bg=black" setw -g pane-base-index 1 setw -g window-status-format "#[bg=brightmagenta]#[fg=black] #I #[bg=brightblack]#[fg=white] #W " setw -g window-status-current-format "#[bg=brightmagenta]#[fg=black] #I #[bg=white]#[fg=black] #W " ''; }; # Start defining arbitrary files home.file = { # Fastfetch config ".config/fastfetch/config.jsonc".text = neoConf; # Ranger config ".config/ranger/rc.conf".text = rangerConf; ".config/ranger/rifle.conf".text = rifleConf; ".config/ranger/scope.sh" = { text = rangerScope; executable = true; }; ".local/share/ranger/bookmarks".text = rangerBookmarks; ".config/ranger/plugins/devicons/devicons.py".source = "${pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alexanderjeurissen/ranger_devicons/2c3c19dffb4238d01c74515c9eed5088066db243/devicons.py"; sha256 = "0girsranwhsgc6kcyh1mkwymx0bl14a2k5nzk3kyllb6ic48c33k"; }}"; ".config/ranger/plugins/devicons/__init__.py".source = "${pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alexanderjeurissen/ranger_devicons/2c3c19dffb4238d01c74515c9eed5088066db243/__init__.py"; sha256 = "1r086apw20ryxylqgnbynx7mzz779v1w0m40wghmmhlzw4x15fmr"; }}"; }; # Shell aliases programs.zsh = { enable = true; autosuggestion.enable = true; syntaxHighlighting.enable = true; initExtra = '' ${pkgs.any-nix-shell}/bin/any-nix-shell zsh --info-right | source /dev/stdin; pfetch ''; oh-my-zsh = { enable = true; plugins = [ "git" ]; theme = "half-life"; }; shellAliases = let mineServers = ''/home/jimbo/JimboNFS/MineServers''; in { # NixOS aliases nixcfg = "nvim /etc/nixos/{configuration,jimbo,hardware-configuration}.nix"; nixswitch = "${auth} nixos-rebuild switch"; nixdate = "${auth} nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade-all"; nixclean = "${auth} nix-store --gc; nix-collect-garbage -d"; # Shortcut aliases neo = "clear && fastfetch"; ip = "ip -c"; ls = "${pkgs.eza}/bin/eza -a --color=always --group-directories-first --icons"; cat = "${pkgs.bat}/bin/bat --paging never"; # Curl tools myip = "curl ifconfig.co"; # Start basic programs controlpanel = "tmux new-session -d -s control; tmux attach -t control"; # Minecraft stuff mcstart21 = "${pkgs.temurin-jre-bin-21}/bin/java -Xmx8G -jar"; mcstart8 = "${pkgs.temurin-jre-bin-8}/bin/java -Xmx5G -jar"; velocitystart = "cd ${mineServers}/Velocity && mcstart21 velocity*"; johnstart = "cd ${mineServers}/Johnside-SMP && mcstart21 paper* --nogui"; bloxelstart = "cd ${mineServers}/Bloxelcom && mcstart21 paper* --nogui"; dewstart = "cd ${mineServers}/DewDestroyer && mcstart21 paper* --nogui"; betastart = "cd ${mineServers}/BetaServer && mcstart8 Posiden*"; }; }; # Define current version home.stateVersion = "23.11"; }; }; }